I explore emergent questions about how technology impacts the ways that we read, write, and communicate, particularly in higher education.

How do we read deeply in digital spaces?
Reading on a screen is a different experience than reading off of paper. But is it necessarily worse, more distracted, or more superficial?
I make the case that there are distinct strategies readers can employ for reading in a variety of spaces, from on the screen to off.
This book makes a call for readers to embrace a range of reading practices available to them and to make choices about where, how, and why they read based off of their purposes for reading.
Contact me (jenae dot cohn at gmail dot com) for more information.
Read an Excerpt from Skim, Dive, Surface!
With permission from West Virginia University Press, I invite you to read Chapter 9: The Ethical Implications of Digital Reading: Grappling with Digital Archiving, Readerly Privacy, and Evidence of Our Reading. (PDF available at link)
What does it mean to teach reading and writing in digital environments?
My peer-reviewed and published journal articles and book chapters all aim to tackle this question in some capacity or another, whether that’s through exploring ePortfolio pedagogy, interpreting undergraduate students’ digital literacy narratives, or discussing the nature of online annotation.
Here are a select number of publications:
Cohn, Jenae. “Talking Back to Texts: An Introduction to Putting the ‘Social’ in ‘Social Annotation.’” in Alan J. Reid (Ed.), Marginalia in Modern Learning Contexts. IGI Global, 2019. 1-16.
Stonaker, Jennifer, Jenae Cohn, Russ Carpenter, and Helen L. Chen. “Metacognition Across the Curriculum: Building Capstone ePortfolios in Stanford’s Notation in Science Communication.” in Kathleen Yancey (Ed.), ePortfolio-as-Curriculum: Models and Practices for Developing Students’ ePortfolio Literacy. Sterling, VA: Stylus Press. April 2019.
Cohn, Jenae. “Bridging User Experience and ePortfolio Pedagogy.” Kairos PraxisWiki. 14 August 2018. http://praxis.technorhetoric.net/tiki-index.php?page=PraxisWiki:_:eportfolios
Cohn, Jenae, Norah Fahim, and John Peterson. “Tinkerer, Sharer, Snooper, Spy: Negotiating Surveillance in Online Collaborative Writing Spaces.” in Estee Beck & Les Hutchinson (Eds.), Privacy Matters. Forthcoming July 2020 with Utah State University Press.
Cohn, Jenae. “‘Devilish’ Smartphones and the ‘Stone-Cold’ Internet: Implications of the Technology Addiction Trope in College Student Digital Literacy Narratives.” Computers and Composition (2016) 42. 80-94.
Cohn, Jenae, Mary Stewart, Cara Harwood Theisen, and Dan Comins. “Creating Online Community: A Response to the Needs of 21st Century Faculty Development.” Journal of Faculty Development (2016) 30.2: 47-57.
Stewart, Mary, Jenae Cohn, and Carl Whithaus. “Collaborative Course Design and Communities of Practice: Strategies for Shared Course Shells in Hybrid and Online Writing Instruction.” Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 9(1), 1-21.
Cohn, Jenae and Mary Stewart. “Promoting Metacognitive Thought through Response to Low-Stakes Writing.” Journal of Response to Writing (2016): 58-74.
Cohn, Jenae. “Graduate Writing Consultations and WAC.” The Writing Campus (2015). http://thewritingcampus.com/2015/03/05/graduate-writing-consultations-and-wac/
Boston, Stephen M., Cohn, Jenae, McKittrick, Megan, and Snead, Robin. “Current Conversations on Multimodal Assignments and Assessments: A Collaborative Review of Four Recent Texts.” Computers and Composition (2014): 67-78.

Want to talk writing?
I’m open to new writing projects and collaborations, especially when it comes to research and reporting at the intersection of education, technology, and communiction.