Workshops and Talks
Interested in teaching with technology? Designing inclusive learning experiences? I offer interactive workshop and talks for professionals and instructors in higher education on these topics and more.

Teaching Digital Reading Strategies
half-day or 2-hr workshop
Today’s college students are increasingly using online texts to complete reading assignments, yet research from across education, cognitive science, and composition studies suggests that digital learning environments require students to develop new reading strategies to retain what they’ve learned in those spaces. Participants will consider the key differences and similarities across reading in paper-based and digital learning environments. They will explore applications of a digital reading framework and develop implementable teaching activities that deploy strategies within this framework.

Building Empathetic Technology Policies
half-day or 2-hr workshop
Technology fundamentally shapes our experiences. It is easy to make assumptions about just what impact technology has on our engagements in a learning environment. Yet our past experiences, ideologies, and backgrounds may alter our relationships to and uses of technology. In this workshop, participants will engage in role play activities where they take on student personas to embody diverse identities. In the process, participants will consider new approaches to designing inclusive and accessible curricula. By the end of the workshop, instructors will have the opportunity to compose technology policies and/or accessibility statements.

Adopting Digital Research and Writing Workflows
half-day or 2-hr workshop
There are a variety of digital research tools available to organize our research and writing processes. But the choices can feel overwhelming. In this workshop, participants will learn about a variety of tools such as mind mapping tools, dictation tools, project management tools, and citation management tools, which will be introduced in the context of critical thinking about research. Participants will leave the workshop with a list of tools to explore for developing organized research and writing workflows in digital environments.
Interested in a Workshop?
All workshops can be adjusted and scaled to different lengths of time. I can also design custom workshops to meet your campus’ learning needs.