Functions and Conjunctions

I have a confession to make: computers scare me. Admittedly, this is not ideal. I’m working towards graduate work in digital literacy/media studies. Yet if something goes wrong, I’m the first to call tech support, panicked. What am I thinking? And yes, I...

So What?

Around essay-grading time, there’s a beast that rears its ugly head. This beast goes by the terrifying name of: “So what?” The “so what?” beast is a simple creature, certainly not a many-headed hydra or a serpentine monster. Yet the beast...

Code Year, Lesson 2 Part 1

I have a distinct memory of the first day of French 1 in college. I walked in confident that I would succeed. After all, I had been a successful Spanish student in high school; French was a romance language, ergo it wouldn’t be that different. Right? Well, I...

Code Year: Lesson 1

I’ve made it through (most of) Lesson1 of my “Getting Started with Programming” Course on Codeacademy and I’m already running into trouble! Nooo! Mind you, the first few exercises within the lesson felt like a breeze. Really, I figured...